1. Lifestyles

GBC Western Radio climax Heritage month with traditional food Bazaar


Entertainment of Thursday, 1 April 2021

Source: GNA

The Radio Station showcased some traditional foods during the bazaarThe Radio Station showcased some traditional foods during the bazaar

The Western Regional Radio of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation has organised a traditional food Bazaar to climax a month-long heritage celebration.

The Showcasing of the traditional foods by the Radio Station was also to teach contemporary Ghanaians and for that matter the youth of the Region some nutritious and home-made food that was healthy and promoted good living as well.

The Western Regional Director of GBC, Mr Alfred Hughes, told the Ghana News Agency that the institution of the month of March to promote culture, love for indigenous Ghanaian products was in the direction to rekindle patriotism, selflessness and love for the Country as the country dreamt of economic independence.

The heritage month, also focused on the struggles of the founding fathers of the nation and the ultimate achievement of political independence.

Mr Hughes said Ghana and the Region had a beautiful and rich culture in the area of food, dressing and dances that must be taught to the current generation to appreciate and live by.

The Bazaar had in the display, Fomfom, Akyeke, Attie, mpeho, nsiho among other traditional staples.

The Corporation thereafter feted over two hundred residents.

Prior to the event, the station focused on taking listeners back into time with events leading to Ghana’s independence, traditions and culture Ghanaians with emphasis on that of the Western Region.

The staff of the corporation also wore traditional and African attire throughout the month to drum home the need to wear what was produced in Ghana.


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