Sports Ghana Armwrestling marks five years [ad_1] Armwrestling is the fastest growing sport in the country The Patrons, Executive Board and members of the Ghana Armwrestling Federation (GAF) has expressed profound gratitude to all stakeholders in the sporting industry as they mark five years of their acceptance into Ghana’s sports fraternity. GAF was endorsed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports […] Written by Maakye Ghana September 24, 2021September 24, 2021
Sports Armwrestling: Grace Mintah whips Bukom Vampire as Tahiru dethrones Asoka Gh [ad_1] Haruna Tahiru aka the Warrior won the bragging right as the best in the heavyweight contest African Champion and Police officer Grace Mintah has been crowned the new queen of Ghana Armwrestling at the just ended Armwrestling Supermatch at the Hathramani Hall of the Accra Sports Stadium. Grace who won Gold medal at the […] Written by Maakye Ghana August 2, 2021August 2, 2021
Sports Asoka GH and Bukom Vampire face fierce battles in ‘The Armwrestling Supermatch’ on July 31 [ad_1] Bodybuilding of Tuesday, 27 July 2021 Source: 2021-07-27 The Armwrestling Supermatch will have top-four pullers from the top four bodyweight categories The Ghana Armwrestling Federation (GAF) is set to organize another thrilling event dubbed ‘The Armwrestling Supermatch’ at the DG Hathramani Sports Hall of the Accra Sports Stadium on Saturday, July 31, 2021, […] Written by Maakye Ghana July 27, 2021July 27, 2021
Sports Armwrestling Federation delivers athlete branding and empowerment programme [ad_1] Two armwrestlers doing battle at the forum Armwrestling Federation delivers a master class athlete branding and empowerment programme with support from Kofikrom, Twellium, Promasidor. The Ghana Armwrestling Federation has delivered a Master Class equivalent of branding and capacity building at its Athlete Branding and Empowerment Programme in Accra. As part of efforts to build […] Written by Maakye Ghana June 23, 2021June 23, 2021
Sports Ghana Armwrestling Federation to host athlete branding and empowerment program on Saturday [ad_1] Bodybuilding of Friday, 18 June 2021 Source: 2021-06-18 GAF will hold a workshop for athletes on June 19 As part of efforts to build the human capacity of athletes off the table, the Ghana Armwrestling Federation (GAF) is set to hold a one-day workshop for all pullers recognized under the sport’s governing body. […] Written by Maakye Ghana June 18, 2021June 18, 2021
Sports Kofi Addo-Agyekum, Dr. Pambo get Africa Armwrestling Association appointment [ad_1] Bodybuilding of Thursday, 3 June 2021 Source: 2021-06-03 Vice President for Ghana Armwrestling Federation, Kofi Addo Agyekum Vice President for Ghana Armwrestling Federation (GAF) Mr Kofi Addo Agyekum has been appointed Chairman for a Special Competitions Committee by the Armwrestling Federation of Africa (AFA). The committee will also have former member of the […] Written by Maakye Ghana June 3, 2021June 3, 2021
Sports Ghanaian trio serves on Special Competitions Committee for Africa Armwrestling [ad_1] Other Sports of Wednesday, 2 June 2021 Source: GNA 2021-06-02 Arm-wrestles Mr. Mark Addo Agyekum, the Vice President of the Ghana Armwrestling Federation (GAF) has been appointed Chairman of a Special Competitions Committee by the Armwrestling Federation of Africa (AFA). The committee would also have a former member of the Medical Committee of the […] Written by Maakye Ghana June 2, 2021June 2, 2021