Sports KP Boateng’s ex-wife Melissa Satta lashes out at media for putting her private life in the spotlight [ad_1] Sports News of Saturday, 18 September 2021 Source: 2021-09-18 Kevin-Prince Boateng and Melissa Satta Kevin-Prince Boateng‘s ex-wife, Melissa Satta has said, she’s had up to the neck amid persistent media attention in her private life following her widely publicized breakup with football star Kevin-Prince Boateng. The socialite is livid with being consistently talked […] Written by Maakye Ghana September 18, 2021September 18, 2021
Lifestyles I have a child, but there’s a woman in your life – Shemima lashes back at Ali [ad_1] Entertainment of Thursday, 20 May 2021 Source: 2021-05-20 Ali and Shemima Shemima of Date Rush confessed in an interview with Zion Felix that she has a 6-year old son. This revelation has left Ali in shock as he struggled to grasp the news. But Ali also had some surprises of his own. Ali […] Written by Maakye Ghana May 20, 2021May 20, 2021