
  1. Lifestyles
[ad_1] Entertainment of Friday, 23 April 2021 Source: 3 News 2021-04-23 The late Daasebre Gyamenah, musician Swiss Ambassador to Ghana, Philipp Stalder has confessed his admiration for Ghanaian Highlife music, citing Highlife greats like Daasebre Ahoufe Dwamena as one of his favourites of the genre. Ambassador Stalder disclosed to TV3 that Daasebre’s “Calling” is his […]
  1. Africa
  2. World
[ad_1] As Nigeria’s former minister of finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala resumes office yesterday as the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) she thanked all her “sisters” and “UN Women Leaders” and ambassadors that called out Aargauer Zeitung, a Swiss newspaper that called her “Grandmother” when she was confirmed as the WTO DG in February. […]