Lifestyles GBC Western Radio climax Heritage month with traditional food Bazaar [ad_1] Entertainment of Thursday, 1 April 2021 Source: GNA 2021-04-01 The Radio Station showcased some traditional foods during the bazaar The Western Regional Radio of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation has organised a traditional food Bazaar to climax a month-long heritage celebration. The Showcasing of the traditional foods by the Radio Station was also to teach […] Written by Maakye Ghana April 1, 2021April 1, 2021
Lifestyles Western Region should not compare me to those ‘banku’ hit makers – Quesi Ghana fumes [ad_1] Seasoned Artiste, Quesi Ghana has asked Ghanaians not to compare him to any other artiste he describes as ‘banku’ musicians. It is obvious, the ‘as it is’ hit singer is infuriated at the rate at which people keep comparing him to colleague musicians in the Western Region. According to him, the record he has […] Written by Maakye Ghana March 25, 2021March 25, 2021
Africa World Africa: Diplomatic Dithering Over Western Sahara Bodes Ill for Other African Disputes [ad_1] Francesca Eremeeva & Nolan Quinn — On December 10, 2020, then President Donald Trump tweeted that because “Morocco recognized the United States in 1777,” the U.S. should return the favor by recognizing “[Moroccan] sovereignty over the Western Sahara.” This rather explicit quid pro quo, which allowed the Trump administration to secure the final addition […] Written by Maakye Ghana March 9, 2021March 9, 2021