Africa World Africa: Diplomatic Dithering Over Western Sahara Bodes Ill for Other African Disputes [ad_1] Francesca Eremeeva & Nolan Quinn — On December 10, 2020, then President Donald Trump tweeted that because “Morocco recognized the United States in 1777,” the U.S. should return the favor by recognizing “[Moroccan] sovereignty over the Western Sahara.” This rather explicit quid pro quo, which allowed the Trump administration to secure the final addition […] Written by Maakye Ghana March 9, 2021March 9, 2021
Africa World Morocco: Western Sahara, Africa’s Last Colony, to Resume Liberation Struggle On Hold Since 1991 [ad_1] New York — The question of Western Sahara, known as Africa’s last colony, has recently gained great visibility in international media interestingly due to two drastic developments. The first occurred on 13 November 2020 when Moroccan forces breached the 1991 ceasefire by attacking Sahrawi civilians who were demonstrating peacefully in Guerguerat in southern Western […] Written by Maakye Ghana March 3, 2021March 3, 2021